Executive Trust

How to Rebuild Executive Trust: Strategies for Leadership Integrity and Health 


Distrust within the C-suite is ballooning into a major crisis today. According to corporate finance newsletter CFO Brew, trust in the overall workplace, including C-suite peers, can best be termed “lukewarm.” Distrust is pervasive among employees at all levels, and especially pronounced among executives.

Why is trust important in a team? It is fundamental because when trust is compromised at the highest levels of leadership, it undermines the entire organizational structure. The ripple effect of broken trust in leadership can lead to decreased morale, inefficiency, and a lack of cohesive strategy.

This blog delves into the importance of trust in leadership and explores effective strategies for rebuilding and maintaining trust in the executive suite. We will examine the psychological foundations of trust, identify common trust issues, and provide actionable steps for leaders to restore trust among their peers.

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The Importance of Trust in Leadership

Trust is the foundation of effective leadership, enabling organizations to respond swiftly to changing business needs. According to the 2024 Trust Survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), while most executives recognize the critical role of trust in achieving their financial goals, they often struggle to trust their peers. The survey indicates that only 44% of C-suite leaders trust their executive colleagues “to a great extent,” compared to 53% who trust non-C-suite individuals.

Lack of trust within the leadership team can have detrimental effects on the entire organization, leading to siloed thinking, reduced morale, and inefficiencies that hamper growth and productivity. Restoring trust is essential because it influences executive team dynamics and overall organizational health. Emotionally, trust is built on feelings of safety and mutual respect, while cognitively, it is based on the consistent and predictable behavior of leaders.

To rebuild and maintain trust, leaders must demonstrate integrity, transparency, and a genuine commitment to the well-being of their teams. As Wes Bricker, PwC US vice chair and trust co-leader, notes (cited in CFO Dive), nearly all executives face obstacles in building trust with stakeholders, underscoring the need for deliberate and sustained efforts to cultivate trust within leadership teams.

Why Trust Breaks in the C-Suite

In dynamic business environments, trust within the C-suite can erode due to a variety of interconnected challenges:

  • Misaligned Incentives: Differences in personal goals and departmental objectives can create friction among executives. For example, conflicting priorities between a CFO focused on cost reduction and a COO aiming at operational enhancements can undermine collaborative efforts.
  • Cultural Clashes: Merging diverse cultural and professional backgrounds without effective integration strategies can lead to significant misunderstandings and communication breakdowns, affecting decision-making processes.
  • Rapid Organizational Changes: Major shifts such as mergers or strategic pivots, especially resulting from reckless change in direction, can disrupt established trust. Executives might guard their territories more fiercely, hindering open communication and collaboration essential for trust.

  • Technological Disruptions and Evolving Leadership Demands: Variances in adapting to new technologies can divide leadership teams, with some members feeling left behind, which can foster mistrust and feelings of insecurity. Additionally, the Harvard Business Review (HBR) notes that evolving leadership demands now prioritize strong social skills alongside traditional expertise, adding pressure and potential for clashes in leadership styles.

  • Ethical Lapses: Unethical behavior by any executive can have a ripple effect, significantly damaging trust across all levels of leadership.

  • Crises and Lack of Support: Inadequate support during high-pressure situations can lead to mistrust and isolation among team members, who may feel overly scrutinized or unsupported.

  • Generational Differences: Varied values and communication styles across different age groups can lead to misinterpretations and conflict, eroding mutual respect and trust.

  • Personality Clashes: Strong, conflicting personalities can result in persistent disagreements that disrupt team harmony and trust. This can be especially true of members with high aspirations.

  • External Pressures: Intense demands from stakeholders may compel leaders to prioritize short-term gains over long-term trust and stability, straining internal relationships.

  • Lack of Transparency: When decisions and their rationales are not clearly communicated, it can lead to suspicion and doubt, further eroding trust.

Real-World Examples of C-Suite Clashes and Trust Erosion

Conflicting C-suite dynamics could result in a severe erosion of trust. Let us look at some of the notable leadership clashes in the corporate world for a better understanding of the preemptive and remedial strategies required for restoring integrity:

Steve Jobs vs. John Sculley (Apple):

One of the most famous C-suite clashes occurred between Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, and John Sculley, the CEO brought in from Pepsi. Their differing visions for the company led to significant tension, ultimately resulting in Jobs being ousted from Apple in 1985. This not only shook the foundation of Apple’s leadership but also sent ripples of uncertainty and mistrust throughout the organization, affecting employee morale and investor confidence.

Elon Musk vs. Martin Eberhard (Tesla):

At Tesla, Elon Musk, who joined as chairman, had significant disagreements with co-founder and then-CEO Martin Eberhard over the direction and management of the company. This conflict led to Eberhard’s departure in 2007. The fallout from this clash highlighted the instability at the top and raised concerns among stakeholders about the company’s leadership stability and strategic direction.

Travis Kalanick vs. Emil Michael (Uber):

At Uber, former CEO Travis Kalanick and his close associate Emil Michael faced internal conflicts with other executives over the company’s aggressive culture and legal issues. These clashes contributed to Kalanick’s resignation in 2017. The public nature of these conflicts damaged Uber’s reputation, leading to a loss of trust among employees, investors, and customers, who were concerned about the company’s leadership and ethical practices.

These examples underscore how internal conflicts among top executives can erode trust within an organization, leading to wider consequences. It is, therefore, crucial for leadership teams to address and resolve conflicts transparently and effectively. Overcoming leadership trust issues ensures the stability and integrity of operations, and resilience for leaders. 

Restoring Executive Integrity and Resilience: Proactive Strategies for Rebuilding Trust in the Executive Suite

Here are some strategies to address specific breaches of trust, ensuring leadership actions align with the core values of integrity and transparency.

1) Immediate Disclosure and Apology for Past Mistakes

The strategy focuses on restoring trust by addressing ethical lapses, misaligned incentives, and the presence of damaging executives through transparency, accountability, and swift corrective actions. This involves several key actions:

A) Formal Disclosure Meetings: Organize dedicated sessions where leadership discusses past failures openly with the C-suite and other affected parties within the organization. These meetings are aimed at conveying sincerity and understanding of the repercussions of these mistakes.

B) Detailed Rectification Plan: Along with the apology, leaders must present a comprehensive plan for rectifying the mistake. This plan should include specific actions, designated responsibilities, and a realistic timeline to demonstrate the leadership’s commitment to making amends and preventing similar issues in the future.

C) Corrective Measures and Efficient Replacement: When a CEO or C-suite member has caused significant damage, it is crucial to take corrective measures quickly. This may involve replacing the erring executive with a more suitable leader.

  • An executive search service provider can be invaluable in this process, ensuring a swift and effective search for a replacement who aligns with the company’s values and strategic goals. By assessing candidates’ conflict resolution capabilities, emotional intelligence, and cultural fit, the firm helps to restore stability and trust within the leadership team.

D) Regular Updates on Progress: Following the initial disclosure, continue to provide regular updates to all stakeholders about the progress of the rectification efforts. This could be through various communication channels such as emails, internal newsletters, or follow-up meetings.

2) Facilitated Reconciliation Sessions

The strategy involves conducting facilitated reconciliation sessions to directly address and resolve interpersonal conflicts and cultural clashes within the C-suite. These sessions are guided by professional mediators or trained facilitators who specialize in conflict resolution. The key components include:

A) Structured Dialogue: Organize structured sessions that allow all involved parties to express their perspectives in a controlled and respectful environment. This helps surface underlying issues and misunderstandings that have contributed to the breakdown of trust.

B) Emotional Reconciliation: Incorporate techniques aimed at emotional healing, such as active listening exercises and empathy training, to help executives understand the emotional impact of their actions and improve interpersonal relationships.

C) Actionable Agreements: Work towards creating actionable agreements during these sessions that outline specific behaviors and actions that all parties agree to undertake to mend the damaged relationships. These agreements are documented and reviewed in follow-up sessions to ensure compliance and progress.

D) Ongoing Support: Provide ongoing support after the initial sessions through regular check-ins and additional training as needed to reinforce the commitments made and ensure long-term resolution of conflicts.

3) Reactive and Remedial Change Management Communication

This strategy is designed to restore trust that has been eroded due to poorly handled organizational changes. It focuses on remedial actions to correct previous communication failures and ensure transparency in ongoing transformations. The key components include:

A) Review and Address Past Failures: Begin by conducting a thorough review of past changes that have led to mistrust, identifying specific areas where communication was lacking or where executives felt excluded. Publicly acknowledge these shortcomings in a formal session with all C-suite executives and outline steps to prevent similar issues.

B) Remedial Communication Plan: Develop a remedial communication plan that specifically addresses the gaps identified. This plan should include detailed, scheduled updates on current and future changes, ensuring that all executives receive timely and accurate information that affects their areas of responsibility.

C) Inclusive Decision-Making Workshops: Organize workshops that re-engage disenfranchised leaders by involving them in ongoing decision-making processes. These workshops should aim to rebuild trust through collaborative problem-solving and shared governance.

D) Structured Feedback Mechanisms: Implement structured mechanisms for ongoing feedback, allowing executives to express their concerns and suggestions regarding the change process. Actively demonstrate how this feedback is used to adjust strategies or correct courses, reinforcing a commitment to transparency and continuous improvement.

4) Crisis Support Reinforcement Strategy

This strategy aims to address and repair the trust erosion that occurs when leaders feel unsupported or isolated during critical situations. The approach focuses on both immediate remedial actions to handle ongoing crises and systematic changes to enhance support mechanisms for future occurrences. Key components include:

A) Immediate Crisis Debriefs: Organize prompt debriefing sessions following any crisis, where all leaders can share their experiences and challenges faced during the event. These debriefs are crucial for acknowledging the stress and pressure experienced, and for discussing what support was lacking.

B) Development of a Comprehensive Support Framework: Create a robust support framework that outlines clear support structures for leaders during crises. This should include access to external crisis management consultants, mental health professionals, and internal mentors who can provide guidance and emotional support.

C) Training on Crisis Management and Emotional Resilience: Implement regular training sessions focused on crisis management, emphasizing emotional resilience. Training should equip leaders with the skills to handle stress effectively, make critical decisions under pressure, and support their teams empathetically.

D) Regular Simulation Drills: Conduct simulation drills that allow leaders to practice their roles in various crisis scenarios. These drills not only help in sharpening their crisis management skills but also build confidence in their ability to handle real situations while ensuring that support mechanisms are tested and effective.

5) Technological Transparency Initiative

This strategy aims to restore trust that has been eroded due to technological disruptions by enhancing transparency and active engagement from all C-suite executives. The key components include:

A) Immediate Incident Transparency: Following any technological failure or disruption, immediately disclose the details to all relevant parties within the organization. Clearly communicate the impacts and the steps being taken to address the issues. This approach demonstrates accountability and openness, crucial for rebuilding trust.

  • Integration of Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that all technological incident reports comply with current regulations, such as the SEC’s requirement to report material cyber breaches within four days. This compliance showcases the organization’s commitment to transparency and regulatory adherence, reinforcing trust in leadership’s integrity and reliability.

B) Inclusive Recovery Strategy Sessions: Engage all C-suite leaders in strategy sessions focused on recovering from technological issues. Ensure that each leader’s input and concerns are addressed, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and collaboration in resolving the disruption.

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Develop a coordinated response strategy that includes key roles such as the CFO, general counsel, investor relations head, and CEO. This collaboration ensures that all relevant perspectives are considered, and a unified approach is maintained. Open communication between the finance chief and the chief information officer is critical, especially when developing strategies for emerging technologies like AI.

C) Post-Implementation Reviews: Conduct thorough reviews of the implemented technological solutions to assess their effectiveness and gather feedback. Share these reviews openly with the executive team to reinforce transparency and a commitment to continuous improvement.

  • Responsible AI and Data Privacy: Focus post-implementation reviews on evaluating data privacy and governance practices, particularly when implementing AI technologies. Transparency about AI strategies and data management practices is crucial to maintain stakeholder trust. Emphasize the importance of a responsible AI model that champions data privacy and explainability, addressing both internal concerns and external regulatory scrutiny.

6) Generational Reconciliation Program

This strategy focuses on repairing trust that has been eroded due to generational conflicts within the C-suite. It involves targeted initiatives to address past misunderstandings and foster a more cohesive leadership team. Key components include:

A) Facilitated Reconciliation Forums: Host forums where executives from different generations can openly discuss past conflicts and misunderstandings, guided by a professional facilitator. These forums aim to surface and address the underlying issues that have caused generational rifts.

  • Structured Dialogue: Use structured dialogue techniques to ensure all voices are heard and respected. Encourage open sharing of experiences and perspectives to foster mutual understanding and empathy.
  • Acknowledge Past Conflicts: Begin each session by acknowledging specific instances where generational conflicts have occurred and discussing their impacts on trust within the team.

B) Mutual Mentorship Programs: Implement mentorship programs that pair younger and older executives to share knowledge and experiences. These programs help bridge generational gaps and foster mutual respect and understanding.

  • Reverse Mentoring: Incorporate reverse mentoring, where younger executives mentor senior leaders on new technologies and trends, while senior leaders provide guidance based on their experience and industry knowledge. This helps both parties understand each other’s strengths and perspectives.
  • Addressing Stereotypes: Use these programs to directly confront and debunk stereotypes that each generation may hold about the other, fostering a more respectful and inclusive environment.

C) Continuous Feedback Mechanisms: Establish systems for ongoing feedback about generational issues, ensuring that all concerns are heard and promptly addressed. Regularly review and adjust strategies based on this feedback to demonstrate responsiveness and commitment to improvement.

  • Anonymous Feedback Channels: Set up anonymous feedback channels to allow executives to voice concerns without fear of repercussions. This encourages honest communication and provides leadership with valuable insights into ongoing generational issues.
  • Regular Check-ins: Conduct regular check-ins to review the progress of reconciliation efforts and make necessary adjustments. This shows a continuous commitment to resolving generational conflicts.

7) Stakeholder Alignment and Communication Plan

This strategy aims to rebuild trust that has been damaged due to poor management of external pressures by focusing on transparent communication and active stakeholder engagement. Key components include:

A) Crisis Communication Sessions: Schedule regular sessions with key stakeholders to openly discuss how external pressures are being managed and the rationale behind strategic decisions. Use these sessions to acknowledge past communication failures and outline steps to improve transparency.

  • Acknowledging Past Failures: Begin by acknowledging specific instances where external pressures were mismanaged and discussing their impacts on stakeholder trust.
  • Transparent Updates: Provide frequent updates to stakeholders about the organization’s response to external challenges, ensuring they are informed and reassured about the company’s direction and stability.

B) Training on External Crisis Management: Provide targeted training for leaders on how to effectively communicate during external crises, ensuring their messaging aligns with the organization’s values and addresses stakeholder concerns.

  • Crisis Simulation Drills: Conduct regular crisis simulation drills to prepare leaders for real-world scenarios, improving their ability to manage and communicate during actual crises.
  • Consistent Messaging: Train leaders to deliver consistent and transparent messages during crises to maintain stakeholder confidence and trust.

C) Integrating Stakeholder Feedback: Create mechanisms to gather feedback from external stakeholders and integrate it into decision-making processes. Regularly update stakeholders on how their feedback has influenced strategic adjustments, reinforcing a commitment to transparency and responsiveness.

  • Stakeholder Advisory Panels: Establish advisory panels comprising key stakeholders to provide ongoing input and guidance on critical issues. This ensures stakeholder perspectives are consistently considered in strategic planning.
  • Feedback Implementation: Actively demonstrate how stakeholder feedback has been used to make strategic adjustments, reinforcing the organization’s commitment to listening and responding to external concerns.
How to Rebuild Trust


An oft-cited anonymous quote goes: “In leadership, trust is the currency. Without it, you have nothing.” This powerful statement encapsulates the essence of effective C-suite dynamics.

Trust among top executives enables cohesive decision-making, strategic alignment, and organizational resilience. Without trust, the executive suite becomes fragmented, decisions are second-guessed, and the entire organization suffers.

Understanding how to rebuild trust in the executive suite is critical for the health and success of any organization. Leaders must prioritize integrity, transparency, and resilience to restore and maintain trust. Any gaps in trust must be addressed immediately and decisively, as the cost of inaction can be the downfall of even the most robust organizations.

Looking to restore trust and enhance leadership within your organization? Contact us today to find the right executives who align with your values and drive your company’s success.

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